13 July, 2011

Superbug Gonorrhea, Type-3 Polio in Pakistan, and Food Poisoning in Ukranian Summer Camps

Antibiotic resistant gonorrhea detected
A new gonorrhea “superbug” has hit Japan. This new strain, named H041, is reportedly resistant to all existing antibiotics.  Gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted disease, is not fatal but is is extremely widespread causing approximately 340 million cases annually worldwide. In the United States, the CDC reports that gonorrhea developed resistance to certain antibiotics (penicillin and tetracycline) as early as the 1980s. While no cases of H041 have been identified outside of Japan, the prevalence of gonorrhea and its increasing antibiotic resistance give reason for concern. Gonorrhea can cause pain during intercourse, scarring of the reproductive tract, increased susceptibility to HIV, and if left untreated, infertility.  

Type-3 Polio Detected in Pakistan
Lab testing confirmed a child in Pakistan’s Khyber Agency, Federally Administered Tribal Area was infected with wild poliovirus type 3 (WPV3). This discovery has important implications for polio eradication of this strain as the last WPV3 case in Asia was in November 2010. Of the three polio strains, WPV1 is the most widespread, WPV2 has been eradicated, and WPV3 is primarily in Asia where cases have been declining. The detection of WPV3 raises the spectre of its potential spread to other parts of Asia. Pakistan is one of only four remaining polio-endemic countries. For current data on global polio cases this year, visit the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.

Food Poisoning in Ukrainian Summer Camps
At the "Albatros” summer camp in Sevastepol, 78 children and 6 teachers have been hospitalized with food poisoning. According to preliminary data, the children ate “low-quality” food, which tends to include products served that have been inadequately refrigerated during summer months. Most all of those affected suffered only mild symptoms and are expected to recover quickly.

Two other regions - Zaporozhyea and Chernihiv – have reported similar cases in summer camps with children suffering from acute intestinal infections and symptoms of foodborne disease. A total of 34 children (18 and 16 respectively from the regions) required hospitalization and or medical care.

В оздоровительном лагере «Альбатрос» под Севастополем отравились 78 детей из России Отравившиеся дети были госпитализированы в инфекционную больницу Севастополя. По предварительным данным, дети употребили некачественные продукты питания. Состояние детей - легкой и средней степени тяжести.

Запорожская область, с подозрением на острую кишечную инфекцию в инфекционное отделение было госпитализировано 6 детей, которые находились на отдыхе в детском оздоровительном заведении «Салют» г. Приморск Запорожской области. Дети получили адекватное лечение.
Черниговская область, в детском спортивно-оздоровительному лагере «Колос» в с. Бигач Менского района Черниговской области выявлен 21 ребенок с признаками пищевой токсикоинфекции. Из них 16 госпитализированы в инфекционное отделение Черниговской областной детской больницы. Остальным предоставлена необходима медицинская помощь.

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